
Sino-German Biodiversity Component | Ecosystem Accounting Workshop 2


From 2 to 4 March 2022, the Sino-German Environmental Partnership together with UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) organised the second Ecosystem Accounting Workshop.

The theme of the workshop was “Applying Ecosystem Accounting to Urban Development Planning”. The workshop was opened with opening remarks by Ms. DAI Min (Project Manager of GIZ) and Dr MENG Han (UNEP-WCMC China Officer, UNEP).

This workshop was designed to build capacity in producing and applying urban ecosystem accounts to development planning. It was grounded in a set of selected ‘State of the Art’ urban ecosystem accounting case studies from China and internationally. It provided participants with an overview of methods that can be applied and how urban ecosystem accounting results can be used to inform urban development that proceeds in balance with nature in practice. Mr. Jonny HUGHES (WCMC Chief Executive Officer, UNEP-WCMC), Prof. OUYANG Zhiyun (Director, Research Centre for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Dr. Steven KING (UNEP-WCMC), Dr. David BARTON (Senior Research Scientist, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research), Dr HAN Baolong (Associate Professor, Research Centre for Eco-Environmental Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences), Dr Adam DUTTON (Head of Natural Capital Accounts, Office for National Statistics), Dr ZHAO Dan (Senior Engineer, Beijing Municipal Institute of City Planning & Design), and Dr. YAO Lin (Deputy Director, Natural Resource Ownership Institute, China Institute of Natural Resource Economics under China Natural Resources Ministry) provided the three sessions of technical inputs.

The Sino-German Biodiversity Component Ecosystem Accounting Workshop 2 was successfully concluded with closing remarks delivered by Mr. Christian STÄRZ (Project Director of GIZ), Dr HAN Baolong (Associate Professor, Research Centre for Eco-Environmental Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences) and Dr MENG Han (UNEP-WCMC China Officer, UNEP). Altogether, 280 registered participants from government agencies, enterprises, industry associations, financial institutions, academic institutions and NGOs participated in the three-day workshop.