Sino-German Chemicals Management Joint Research Project Report
As one of the main expected outcomes of a Sino-German joint research cooperation, the Sino-German Chemicals Management Joint Research Project Report has been finalized and published on the website of the Sino-German Environmental Partnership Project.
This research project was conducted in the framework of the “Sino-German Environmental Partnership Phase II” project, which is implemented by GIZ and FECO on behalf of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety of the Federal Republic of Germany (BMU) and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People’s Republic of China (MEE). Cooperating partners include the German Environment Agency (UBA) and the China Solid Waste and Chemicals Management Center of the MEE.
In this report, chemicals management policies and the respective legal framework in China and Germany were discussed, German experiences in and approaches to the implementation of environmental chemicals management have been introduced, and a future outlook and perspectives on Sino-German chemicals management cooperation have been explored.
The work on the environmental management of chemicals is to be continued in the third phase of the Sino-German Environmental Partnership.