This report explores the short and longer-term implications of the implementation of China’s conservation policies using a range of land use and biodiversity models.
CCICED Annual Policy Report 2021
The study explores in particular the mainstreaming of biodiversity in climate policy, urban planning, the financial sector and in environmental-economic accounting frameworks.
The UBA publication “Shaping sustainable digitisation” was translated into Chinese.
Implications on Ecosystems & Biodiversity
China’s Systematic Approach to Ecological Conservation
The UBA publication “A Guide to Environmental Administration in Germany” was translated into Chinese.
Summary Report
Summary Report
Summary Report
The Sino-German Chemicals Management Joint Research Project Report is the very good result of a successful bilateral research cooperation on behalf of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety of the Federal Republic of Germany (BMU) and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People’s Republic of China (MEE).
The UBA publication “Compost Manual” was translated into Chinese.
The UBA publication “Tomorrow‘s Cities” was translated into Chinese.
The UBA publication “Greenhouse – Gas – Neutrality in Germany until 2050 | Policy Paper to the RESCUE-Study” was translated into Chinese.
The UBA publication “Quality assurance of compost and digestate – Experiences from Germany” was translated into Chinese.
The UBA publication “Beschäftigung im Umweltschutz 2017 – Entwicklung und gesamtwirtschaftliche Bedeutung (Aktualisierte Ausgabe 2020)” was translated into Chinese.